Residency & Citizenship By Investment

Global Residency and Citizenship by investment programs open up many international opportunities for you and your family.

Your Residence and Citizenship Options

If you’re considering residence or citizenship by investment, our free information service is here to help.

With multiple countries and investment programs vying for your attention, understanding your options and which programs best meet your needs will help you to feel confident that you’re making the right choices.

Identifying the most suitable advisory for your needs

We can help you locate an advisor with expertise and authorization for the country and investment programs you’re interested in.

A great deal of advisories provide residency and citizenship by investment services. There are some key differences to consider when choosing your advisory. 

Advisory location range

Some advisors specialize in a single country. If you’re set on a single country, that can be fine. However, it does have potential limitations. 

For example: You’re seeking a broader spectrum of investment choices.

Alternatively, if you want an EU-based residency that is deliverable by multiple states, working with an advisor who can help you compare programs and countries is essential.

Advisory authorization

You need to be sure that the advisory is based in a well-regulated jurisdiction/country with governmental (state) authorization to promote the programs you’re interested in. 

Explanation of costs:

You should always ensure that your selected advisory provides a detailed breakdown of all costs and charges within your contract before committing. 

How we help you

We have a track record of assisting our readers to get started with their residency or citizenship application process.

We can answer general questions that you have and help you locate a qualified advisor who has the expertise and authorization you require. 

Contact Us Today 

If you have any questions about citizenship or residency via investment, contact us using the email address below.

Please tell us a little about what you’re looking for, your countries of interest, and any specific needs you have, such as access to the EU.

We will provide you with information about programs that match your needs and advisors with official government authorization to promote those programs.

Our service is free of charge and helps you to get on the right track from the outset. 

To contact us, please email .

Rest assured, we won’t pass your details to any third party unless you request us to do so.

Expatra Partner Network: We only recommend the most reputable services that we believe deliver excellent value for money and provide a secure way to obtain residence or citizenship abroad. We don’t charge for our services. However, if you decide to move forward with a program from a recommended advisor, we may receive an introducer fee. This won’t cost you anything and will help us to fund Expatra’s services.